Barbara Wachendorff
Hubert Habig
Franz Wittenbrink
Motz Tietze
Flavia Stein
Choir direction:
Sabine Dietenberger
Jutta Glaser
Katja Zakotnik
Theatre pedagogy:
Miriam Lemdjadi
Lukas Raber
AK.Theater, Heidelberg
Nele Swanton
Manuel Klein
Lina Zimmer
Gerald Leiß
Maximilian Wex
Helga Karola Wolf
Jutta Glaser
Katja Zakotnik
Ensemble Hendsemer Krischer
Solaf Almusleh, Monika Albicker, Edith
Brandt-Bachmann, Ulla Zellmann-Seyffert,
Natavan Khalikova, Aylar Riazi,
Ali Ismail, Hedwig Sauer-Gürth,
Gertraude Hassel
ANTIGONE – CORONAVon SophoklesTiefburg, Heidelberg
24. September 2021
Tiefburg, Heidelberg
URAUFFÜHRUNGAntigone buries her brother Polyneikes, who was killed in the war, although her uncle, King Creon, has forbidden this on pain of death. Antigone is “guilty” of several offences: she violates the ban on burial and contradicts Creon, which alone was a scandal at the time. Creon sentences Antigone to death and justifies his implacability with reasons of state.
The almost 2500-year-old drama is one of the most famous in world literature. For the first time, a woman plays a leading role in the tragedy, albeit portrayed by a man in a mask.
Sophocles, himself a politician in the first democracy of the Greek polis in Athens, used the mythical material to warn against the presumptuous use of power. At the same time, he appeals to the power of insight in the face of obvious injustice.
If we look at the problems of the current Corona crisis through the lens of the ancient tragedy, the timeless aspects of both state crises come to light. Here as there, individual rights and freedoms are in conflict with the laws of the state.
Sequences developed by expert actors in workshops thematise the reference to the Corona crisis in the production.