Barbara Wachendorff
Joachim Henn
Set and costume design:
Birgit Angele
Simon Camatta
Rolf Emmerich
Kulturfestival Sommerblut Köln
Simon Camatta
Philipp Engelhardt
Luci Löffler
Gerhard Häck
Petra Schmid
Sindy Tscherrig
STAYING ALIVEA Theater project about organ transplantationHenn/WachendorffSommerblut Kulturfestival Köln
10. May 2013
Henn/WachendorffSommerblut Kulturfestival Köln
10. May 2013
In june 2012 a new statutary regulation was issued in Germany, urging people to consent to a donation of their organs after death
Diffuse fears concerning the circumstances of brain death, together with recent scandals in german clinics relating to the abuse of organ donation could be the reason, why the opposite happened: the availability of kidneys, livers, hearts and other organs decreases.
The research project STAYING ALIVE asks 3 afflicted people, who where kept alive by a new organ.
Through their biographies a lot of aspects of transplantation become visible, such as medical and cultural aspects oft he brain death concept, chances and limits of the art of medicine, and as well as the question of how we want to die.
The project opens personal and surprising insights into the theme and adds a sensible, provocative a humoresque impulse to the discussion.
The theatre project STAYING ALIVE is a production of the Sommerblut Kulturfestival Köln, 2013.